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What We Publish

The University of South Carolina Press publishes original works of outstanding scholarship in print and digital formats in the fields of southern history, African American studies, civil rights, rhetoric and communication, and literary studies. USC Press also publishes a dynamic list of regional general interest nonfiction titles addressing South Carolina and the American South.

Our publications vary in length and purpose, from scholarly digital shorts to research monographs and reference works to colorful and culturally rich coffee-table volumes. These offerings appeal to a range of audiences, including scholars, students, and the general public. All projects undergo rigorous external peer review and must be approved by the Press Committee before publication.

What To Submit

To have a project considered by USC Press, please submit a book proposal as a Word document to one of our acquisitions editors via the form below. For Southern history, African American studies, and civil rights, submit your proposal to Ehren Foley. For literary studies, rhetoric/communication, and regional general interest, submit your proposal to Auora Bell. It should include the following:

  • A cover letter that briefly describes the work: title, scope, purpose, readership, course adoption potential, comparable publications, preliminary bibliography, projected word count, and projected date of completion. Explain what makes this work an original or otherwise compelling contribution to your field and why you are the appropriate person to write it. Also explain how the work fits into USC Press's publishing list and if it should be considered for a particular series. Please indicate if any parts of the work have been previously published.
  • A table of contents, preferably with brief descriptions of each part and/or chapter.
  • A list of images and illustrations, if those are planned. (Note that authors are required to secure permissions for all images and illustrations.)
  • For partial or complete manuscripts, submit two representative chapters; do not submit the complete manuscript.
  • A list of three scholars in your field competent to review your manuscript (do not include current or former colleagues or dissertation committee members). Include email addresses and affiliations and note if any have already read the work.
  • Your current CV or résumé.

Submit Your Proposal

We do not accept paper submissions. Please submit your proposals to the appropriate acquisitions editor via the form below:

Ehren Foley

Southern history, African American studies, and civil rights

Upload Submission:

Aurora Bell

Literary studies, rhetoric/communication, and regional general interest

Upload Submission:

Please Note:

Please allow four to six weeks for USC Press to respond to your proposal. Note that the USC Press no longer publishes poetry, children's books, fiction, or Festschriften. We thank you for your interest in the University of South Carolina Press and we look forward to hearing from you.

Have Comments/Questions?

Ehren Foley:   |   Aurora Bell:

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