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Student Internships

The University of South Carolina Press offers unpaid internships in acquisitions, editorial, marketing and sales. Each internship will offer exposure to and potential integration with other USC Press departments. Interns will gain insight into the publishing process with varied learning opportunities tailored to their specific interests. USC Press internships may be counted for course credit (pending approval by an academic advisor). Interns work about 10 to 12 hours each week. 

Application Deadlines

Internship opportunities are available for fall, spring, and summer semesters and are posted on Handshake during the preceding semester. Applicants are encouraged to apply via Handshake but may also submit cover letters and resumes via email to Jolie Hale, publishing assistant, 


The Acquisitions Department internship typically lasts one academic year, but may extend into the summer or be available for a single semester on a case-by-case basis. Interns work about 12 hours each week and, depending on the individual’s skills and interests and the acquisitions calendar, can gain the following experience:

  • Learn about the book publishing industry
  • Read and report on book proposals
  • Research and identify potential authors
  • Research and identify potential peer reviewers
  • Compile and update metadata
  • Review text and image permissions
  • Prepare manuscripts for transmittal to editorial department
  • Proofread books and other documents
  • Assist with administrative tasks


The Editorial Department internship typically lasts one academic year, but may extend into the summer or be available for a single semester on a case-by-case basis. Interns work about 8 hours each week and, depending on the individual’s skills and interests and the editorial calendar, can gain the following experience:

  • Learn about the book publishing industry
  • Prepare manuscripts for copyediting
  • Prepare indexes for typesetting
  • Transcribe author corrections to copyedited manuscripts and proofs
  • Proofread books and other documents
  • Use MS Word track changes, styles, and macros; learn professional proofreading annotations
  • Maintain department files and assist with other administrative tasks

Marketing & Sales

The Marketing & Sales Department internship typically lasts one semester but can run for two or more semesters depending on the intern’s interest and abilities. Interns work about 10 hours each week and, depending on the individual’s skills and the marketing schedule, can gain the following experience:

  • Learn about the book publishing industry
  • Conduct research
  • Write book jacket and catalog copy
  • Work on special promotional projects
  • Write press releases
  • Identify quotable/promotable content from book reviews 
  • Assist with social media campaign planning and implementation 
  • Assist at author events, book signings, and conferences 
  • Compile and update metadata
  • Assist with administrative tasks

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