This series represents a long-standing publishing partnership between the University of South Carolina Press and the College of Charleston’s Carolina Lowcountry and the Atlantic World Program, from which the series derives its name. Books in the series draw attention to the circulation of people, goods, and ideas throughout the Atlantic World. This research views the land and people who bordered the Atlantic as forming an integrated system, with the vast ocean between them serving as a means of movement and connection—sometimes forced—rather than distance and division. As the series name implies, the editors are particularly interested in work that understands and situates the Carolina Lowcountry as a node within this Atlantic World system, but also welcome manuscripts on Atlantic Studies topics more generally.
Authors interested in submitting proposals should review the submission guidelines and contact:
Ehren Foley, USC Press acquisitions editor: or 803-777-9055
“Cultures of Resistance” is a new book series in the field of Black Studies that seeks to expand traditional understandings of the forums and mechanisms of activism. It will include an exploration of cultural production and its role in generating, shaping, and sustaining the pursuit of social justice and social change. Books in the series will explore the multiple venues where political action occurs, not just through traditional protest or at the ballot box, but through the art, music, literature, cultural expression, and ideas of ordinary people in struggle.
This interdisciplinary series will include topics from across the humanities. Geographically, series editors are interested in manuscripts that examine cultures of resistance in the United States and all parts of the African Diaspora. The editors are especially interested in work of engaged scholarship that has the potential to reach a broad audience. They are open not only to traditional monographs, but also digital projects and other forms of innovative storytelling. Intersectional perspectives are encouraged.
Courtney R. Baker is an associate professor of English at the University of California, Riverside.
Tyina Steptoe is an associate professor of history at the University of Arizona.
Qiana Whitted is a professor of English and African American studies at the University of South Carolina.
Authors interested in submitting proposals should review the submission guidelines and contact one of the following:
East-West Encounters in Literature and Cultural Studies is a new interdisciplinary and collaborative book series jointly published by National Taiwan University Press and the University of South Carolina Press.
This innovative English-language series focuses on scholarly works in a range of fields, such as language, literature, drama, and cultural studies—including precolonial, colonial, modern, and contemporary East-West contact—and will provide an international forum for cutting-edge research.
The series editors welcome monographs written in English or other languages translated into English. Anthologies of edited essays with a coherent, thematic focus may also be considered.
Suggested topics include but are not limited to the following:
Paul Allen Miller, Ph.D. is Carolina Distinguished Professor of Classics and Comparative Literature at the University of South Carolina.
Bennett Yu-Hsiang Fu, Ph.D. is a professor in the Department of Foreign Languages & Literatures at National Taiwan University.
Chi-she Li, Ph.D., is a professor in the Department of Foreign Languages & Literatures at National Taiwan University.
All submissions will be assessed by the series editors and reviewed by anonymous readers. Please send a book prospectus, the author’s CV, and a sample chapter to the series editors. Once the first-stage assessment is completed and positive, the series editors may request a completed manuscript for review. The manuscript should employ the most current MLA format.
For additional information, contact one of the following:
Movement Rhetoric/Rhetoric’s Movements is a new series from the University of South Carolina Press that seeks to deepen our understanding of explicit and implicit arguments and modes of communication by studying past and present social movements through rhetorical frameworks. In an era characterized by the emergence of political, social, and economic movements begun and enacted through digital means, it has become clear that the work of past social movements is not yet done; new social justice and grassroots movements have emerged, linked by their vital and digital urgency. By examining how rhetoric moves, in terms of circulation, uptake, and in relation to how and why individuals, collectives, and institutions are moved, changed, and transformed, we point the way to a more equal and equitable world.
In addition to studies of movements themselves, we welcome analyses of social communicative actions that are driven by corporate and economic interests and of reactionary movements that may help us better understand rhetorical and material impediments to these goals. While the focus of the series will be on rhetorical work that advances the discipline in relation to theory, criticism, and praxis, compelling projects that explore movement rhetoric and/or rhetoric’s movement(s) at the intersections of rhetoric and media studies/new materialism, public relations, communication studies, science/technology, or sociology are also welcome. With this series, UofSC Press looks forward to building on a longstanding reputation in the field of rhetoric and communication and its cross-disciplinary commitment to studies of civil rights and social justice.
Victoria J. Gallagher is a professor in the Department of Communication at North Carolina State University and principal investigator of the Virtual Martin Luther King project.
Authors interested in submitting proposals should review the submission guidelines and contact one of the following:
Watch the series editor Vicki Gallagher provide an overview of our new series, Movement Rhetoric/Rhetoric's Movements.
This new book series will explore new directions in the historiography of the Reconstruction era focusing on work that expands on our understanding of the period temporally, geographically, and thematically. The series will seek to publish a rich variety of perspectives and methodologies with the aim of better understanding this complicated and often misunderstood period of our nation’s history. The legacies of Reconstruction continue to shape so many of our contemporary debates about the nature of American citizenship and society, and this series will open a window into both our past and our present.
Having played a central role in the Reconstruction project, South Carolina has helped shape the public memory of the era and preserve its history. Today the state is home to noteworthy landmarks, memorials, and institutes of higher learning that honor the era and support our ever-evolving conversations about race. Beaufort, South Carolina, is home to the Reconstruction Era National Park that was established in 2017, as well as the Institute for the Study of the Reconstruction Era at the University of South Carolina Beaufort. The Press and the series editors will pursue collaborative partnerships with these and other entities to enhance the reach of engaged scholarship that can speak to a diverse audience.
J. Brent Morris is professor of history at Clemson University. His books include Dismal Freedom: A History of the Maroons of the Great Dismal Swamp, and Yes Lord, I Know the Road: A Documentary History of African Americans in South Carolina, 1528–2008.
Hilary N. Green is James B. Duke Professor of Africana Studies at Davidson College and the author of Educational Reconstruction: African American Schools in the Urban South, 1865–1890.
Authors interested in submitting proposals should review the submission guidelines and contact one of the following:
The Understanding Contemporary American Literature series was founded by Matthew J. Bruccoli (1931–2008) who envisioned these volumes as guides or companions for students as well as good nonacademic readers, a legacy that continues as new volumes are developed to fill in gaps among the more than 100 series volumes published to date and to embrace a host of new writers only now making their marks on our literature.
As Bruccoli explained, “the word understanding in the titles was chosen deliberately. Many willing readers lack an adequate understanding of how contemporary literature works; that is, of what the author is attempting to express and the means by which it is conveyed.” Aimed at fostering this understanding of good literature and good writers, the criticism and analysis in the series provide instruction in how to read certain contemporary writers—explicating their material, language, structures, themes, and perspectives—and facilitate a more profitable experience of the works under discussion.
In the twenty-first century Bruccoli’s prescience gives us an avenue to publish expert critiques of significant contemporary American writing. The series continues to map the literary landscape and to provide both instruction and enjoyment, with recent additions including Truman Capote, James Baldwin, Maxine Hong Kingston, and Randall Kenan. Future volumes will seek to introduce new voices alongside long-established favorites, to chronicle the changing literature of our times, and to remain, as Bruccoli conceived, contemporary in the best sense of the word.
Linda Wagner-Martin
Matthew J. Bruccoli
Authors interested in submitting proposals should review the submission guidelines and contact one of the following:
The Understanding Contemporary British Literature series introduces readers to authors and books that have defined and are defining today’s literary landscape in the United Kingdom and around the world. For scholars, teachers, students, and interested readers, books in the series provide an indispensable birds-eye view of the oeuvre of a single author. They offer much-needed brief and accessible introductions to long-established favorites as well as emerging writers, and in some cases are the first books devoted to their subject, becoming essential resources for researchers at all levels.
Matthew J. Bruccoli
Authors interested in submitting proposals should review the submission guidelines and contact:
Aurora Bell, USC Press acquisitions editor:, 803-777-4859
Port Cities of the Atlantic World
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edited by Leah Worthington, Rachel Clare Donaldson, and John W. White
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Black Freedom in the Age of Slavery
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The Atlantic Economy during the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
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Trade, Politics, and Revolution
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Religion, Space, and the Atlantic World
edited by John Corrigan
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Working on the Dock of the Bay
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Working on the Dock of the Bay
Michael D. Thompson
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The Civil War as Global Conflict
edited by David T. Gleeson and Simon Lewis
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Jewish Sanctuary in the Atlantic World
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Creating and Contesting Carolina
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Material Culture in Anglo-America
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Saints and Their Cults in the Atlantic World
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The Impact of the Haitian Revolution in the Atlantic World
edited by David P. Geggus
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OA Ebook: $0.00
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